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Kent Beauty Training:

Equality and Diversity (E&D) policy Kent Beauty Training (KBT), is committed to ensuring the promotion of equality of opportunity for all members of our community.

 We seek to create a climate where all forms of discriminatory behaviour are challenged, diversity is celebrated and a culture is generated in which all staff and learners are encouraged to flourish and achieve their full potential.

 KBT is keen to advance equality of opportunity for all and ensure that it underpins all policies, valuing all members of the KBT community equally.

KBT aims to foster good relations between all members of its community and in particular, between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. These are listed as: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership.

 Equality and diversity issues are considered as an integral part of managing and operating our business to ensure that the decisions taken, and the services provided act to further our Equality Objectives.

1. Introduction KBT is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment and learning. KBT is opposed to all forms of discrimination in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 and as defined by the Equality Act 2010, whether direct, perceived, indirect or by association. KBT seeks to ensure that no individual or group, because of their protected characteristic, faces discrimination, harassment or victimisation. Protected characteristics refer to: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. It is also unlawful for employers to ask health-related questions prior to a job offer, unless the questions are specifically related to an intrinsic function of the work. KBT abides by the current equality legislation and ensures that all subsequent legislative changes are fully utilised to update this policy accordingly to ensure that our practices are lawful. Compliance with this policy also ensures that no member of the KBT team or associates commits unlawful acts of discrimination.

2. Scope of the policy The policy is applicable to all learners, staff, directors and other visitors or users of KBT facilities. We also expect our partner employers and work placement providers to demonstrate commitment to this policy.

3. E&D and our core values Promoting, celebrating and valuing diversity and ensuring equality are at the heart of KBT core values, and will benefit KBT in all aspects of its performance. These encompass the British values of mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith, the rule of law, individual liberty and democracy:

3.1 Respect - KBT will undertake to ensure all individuals and groups are treated fairly, courteously and with respect. Beliefs, values and religious views will be respected and tolerance encouraged where individuals or groups may have differences. KBT promotes and raises awareness of respect for the rule of law and for the environment.

3.2 Excellence and high aspirations - KBT will ensure that all members of the community are encouraged, supported and have equal opportunity to achieve their full potential. Pride will be taken in all achievements and celebrated where appropriate.

3.3 Support - All members of KBT community will be given equal access to support in their work or studies and help to succeed. KBT will make all reasonable adjustments to ensure individuals are given assistance and help where appropriate. KBT will support its members to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.

3.4 Inclusion - Diversity is not only valued by KBT but also celebrated and promoted. KBT will seek to ensure that individuals understand differences in others and that activities and opportunities are adjusted where appropriate to ensure equality of access for all groups. In the spirit of democracy, KBT works in harmony with and seeks opinions from its stakeholders and, where appropriate, acts on that feedback.

3.5 Global citizenship - KBT celebrates and promotes understanding of international differences and individual liberty to choose and to hold other faiths and beliefs (except where they are in conflict with our core values), encouraging all members of the KBT community to develop a better appreciation, tolerance and respect for global issues. 3.6 Integrity - All inappropriate behaviour and actions against the spirit of this policy will be challenged and not tolerated. Members of the KBT community are expected to act with integrity at all times in recognising and respecting individuals’ differences.

4. E&D in employment

4.1 KBT will avoid unlawful discrimination in all aspects of employment including

Recruitment and selection, promotion, opportunities for training, pay and benefits, discipline and

Selection for redundancy.

4.2 Job descriptions and person specifications will be limited to those requirements that are necessary for the effective performance of the job. Candidates for employment or promotion will be assessed objectively against the requirements for the job, taking account of any reasonable adjustments that may be required for candidates with a disability. Disability and personal or home commitments will not form the basis of employment decisions other than in exceptional circumstances.

4.3 KBT will consider any possible indirectly discriminatory effect of its standard working practices, including the number of hours to be worked, the times at which these are to be worked and the place at which work is to be done, when considering ‘flexible working’ requests permitted by law and any other request for a variation to standard working practices. KBT will comply with its obligations in relation to statutory requests for flexible working and will decline such requests only in accordance with the statutory procedure. KBT will also make reasonable adjustments to its standard working practices to overcome barriers caused by disability.

4.4 As a minimum, KBT will monitor the ethnic, gender and age composition of the existing workforce, learner population and of applicants for jobs, and the number of people with disabilities within these groups. KBT will consider and take any appropriate action to address any issues that may be identified as a result of the monitoring process.

4.5 KBT will not discriminate in the selection of employees for recruitment or promotion, but may use appropriate lawful methods, including lawful positive action, to address identified under-representation of any group in particular types and levels of job.

 5. Implementation and training

5.1 KBT trains all staff on equality, diversity and inclusion during initial induction; and regularly reviews and updates policies and procedures, providing refresher CPD for all staff.

5.2 We obtain commitments from others engaging with KBT, such as contractors and

Agencies that they will comply with the Equality Act 2010.

5.3 Pastoral Mentors deliver equality and diversity training to learners as part of the pastoral programme, in addition to induction and ongoing programme content.

6. Records and monitoring

6.1 The equality and diversity policy is implemented and monitored through the Equality and Diversity Committee.

6.2 The E&D Committee is chaired by the KBT

6.3 Equality impact assessments will be conducted at the redraft stage of all updated and new policies by the policy author and will be checked by the Senior Leadership Team when the policy is quality assured. Any actions resulting from impact assessments will be included in the policy where relevant. The equality impact assessment includes all of the protected characteristics.

6.5 Each year there is an equality and diversity report, which is approved by the E&D Committee.

 6.6 KBT collects, analyses and reports on equality and diversity data. This will include learner attendance, retention, progress and progression rates for different measured groups. This will be supplemented with regular analysis of staffing data such as recruitment, disciplinary or capability proceedings, grievances or staff complaints, requests for flexible working, promotion for staff using a suitable range of diversity characteristics.

6.7 Where possible, KBT will benchmark by comparing its performance against similar organisations and institutions in our geographical and peer groups.

6.8 KBT will ensure that all staff is aware that inclusion must always be considered when organising internal and external KBT events. Where necessary and appropriate, amendments to the organisation of the event will be made in light of this.

7. Breaches of the equality and diversity policy

7.1 KBT will take very seriously any instances of non-compliance to this equality and

diversity policy by staff, learners or other members of the KBT community. All instances will be investigated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the offender(s).

7.2 Employees should report any bullying or harassment to their line manager, who will take appropriate action.

7.3 Learners should report any bullying or harassment to their pastoral mentor, a member of staff in whom they feel they can confide; or a member of the Senior Leadership Team, who will take appropriate action.

8. Access to the equality and diversity policy

8.1 KBT will seek to ensure that directors, staff, learners and wider members of the KBT community are aware of the equality and diversity policy and expectations raised within.

8.2 KBT’s commitment to equality and diversity will be embedded in all internal and

External publications and the KBT web site.

8.3 The learner induction programme will emphasise the KBT commitment to equality and diversity, highlighting the expectations of learner behavior, and the direct and indirect consequences of engaging in inappropriate conduct.

8.4 The KBT pastoral programme will further address issues of equality and diversity,

celebrating differences and encouraging learners to uphold KBT’s core values.

And to supporting learners with additional needs, as part of their agreement/commitment statement.

8.5 All new staff will be given appropriate equality and diversity staff development as part of their programme of induction, and existing staff will receive staff development updates on equality and diversity issues where appropriate.

 9. Summary of expectations:

9.1 Learners will be expected to:

● uphold the core values of the KBT at all times

● not engage in or accept any bullying or harassment

● respect, recognise and acknowledge varying needs of all members of the KBT


● be prepared to challenge and report inappropriate behaviour

● act with due consideration and respect towards all members of the KBT community at all times.

● treat all staff, fellow learners and visitors with courtesy and respect at all times, and

without discrimination.

9.2 Learners can expect from KBT

● inclusive learning practices, which acknowledge differences in learners’ learning styles and abilities

● learning materials free from bias, which celebrate diversity and challenge stereotyping

● all instances of bullying, harassment or discrimination to be taken seriously and fully

investigated, with appropriate action taken.

● to be treated with respect and courtesy at all times.

● a learning environment where differences are not only respected but are celebrated

● equality of opportunity to participate in KBT organised events, where


● reasonable adjustments and support in helping you meet your learning aims

9.3 KBT Staff will be expected to:

● uphold our core values at all times

● challenge and report all instances of bullying, harassment and discrimination in the KBT community.

● lead by example in demonstrating understanding of, and respect for differences in

diversity groups

● be courteous, respectful and treat without discrimination all members of the KBT


● contribute to the development of a learning environment free from discrimination,

victimization, harassment

9.4 Staff can expect from KBT

● all employees to have equal chances of staff development, career development and

promotion opportunities

● appropriate induction training and subsequent staff development on equality and diversity issues where appropriate

● inappropriate behaviour from any member of the KBT community to be

challenged, with appropriate disciplinary action taken

● to be treated fairly at all times, in an environment, which respects individual differences and challenges discrimination

● all staff members to take responsibility for promoting a fair, inclusive and supportive

environment, where discriminatory practices are challenged.

9.5 All visitors and external partners will be expected to and agree to:

● uphold our core values at all times

● challenge and report all instances of bullying, harassment and discrimination in the KBT community.

● lead by example in demonstrating understanding of, and respect for differences in diverse protected groups

● be courteous, respectful and treat without discrimination all members of the KBT


● contribute to the development of a learning environment free from discrimination,

victimisation harassment.

10. Review

The content and operation of this policy will be reviewed every year by the E&D Committee and

signed off by Mrs Tracy Evans – Director.

H & S

1. KBT shall ensure compliance with all relevant legislation. They will apply the principles of best practice in the discharge of this duty.

 2. KBT will ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons who may be affected by the organisation’s activities. They will maintain safe and healthy working conditions and equipment for employees and provide a safe, healthy and supportive environment for learners, in so far as it is reasonably practicable.

 3. KBT is committed, that learners develop the ability to identify hazards that may affect them and others, and to develop an understanding of the control measures used to minimise the associated risks.

 4. KBT acknowledges its duty of care, to ensure that not only its employees but also those persons other than its employees, e.g. learners , visitors, contractors, and members of the general public, are not put at risk as a result of the carrying out of

it’s business operations, so far as is reasonably practicable.

 5. No employee shall be required to undertake any health and safety function without prior consultation and, where necessary, training.

 6. Specialist consultants shall be engaged, where necessary, to advise on specific safety issues and/or hazards and the means of their control.

 7. All employees shall receive adequate information, instruction and training, as appropriate, to enable the safe discharge of their contractual duties. Learners shall receive Health and Safety information at Induction into the Organisation and at appropriate intervals during their course.

 . KBT acknowledges the importance and contribution of all employees and learners in the formulation and implementation of health and safety procedures and systems and shall consult appropriately on all such issues.

Organisation and Responsibilities:

1. The Safety Policy Statement and General Policy Statement is brought to the attention of all employees, learners, and contractors.

2. Codes of Practice are available for each work activity carried out ; a copy of each Code of Practice is made available to relevant employees and a record of distribution is maintained.

3. Other health and safety information is communicated to relevant employees.

4. Adequate first aid procedures exist including the provision of sufficient properly trained first aiders and that all employees and learners are aware of the arrangements.

5. Accidents and incidents are reported using the established procedures and appropriately investigated.

6. Safety representatives can carry out their functions including inspections and accident investigations and where appropriate, that consultation takes place.

7. Training needs are identified and appropriate arrangements are made for training.

8. Requirements under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) are met.

9. New employees and learners receive appropriate health and safety information including details of the Health and Safety Policy, Codes of Practices, fire drill, emergency evacuation and other Health and Safety procedures.

10. The overall procedures for health and safety are monitored.

11. A copy of the General Policy Statement is displayed in all premises which are the

responsibility of the Directors.


The Directors will:

1. Be responsible for the day-to-day management and implementation of KBT

Health and Safety Policy.

2. Be responsible for carrying out delegated duties.

3. Ensure that all new employees receive all appropriate Health and Safety

information/training including policy statement.

4. Ensure that relevant Health and Safety information is communicated to all employees.

5. Secure sufficient funds to meet and deliver health and safety training identified for

implementation of the Policy Statement.

6. Promote awareness of welfare and health and safety issues.

Directors Curriculum - The Director – Tracy Evans (Curriculum) will:

Ensure that all learners are given appropriate Health and Safety Induction at the start of their course.

1. Ensure that accidents to learners are reported using the established reporting procedures and copies are forwarded to the Environmental Services Office.

2. Ensure that Health and Safety training needs for academic staff are identified and requirements are forwarded to staff development.

3. Ensure that the overall procedures for the health, safety and welfare of learners are monitored.

 4. Ensure that specialist equipment used to instruct learners is maintained in accordance with legislative requirements and/or manufacturers’ instructions as appropriate and records kept.

5. Ensure that where engineering controls are impractical, Personal Protective equipment is readily available to both academic staff and learners and is maintained, stored and used correctly.

6. Ensure that written safe systems of work are in place and followed for all learning activities where appropriate. Designated Officers The Designated Officer(s) will be directly responsible to the Senior managers for the following specific duties: Establishing arrangements for dealing with health and safety matters such as:

1. The dissemination of health and safety information to all employees.

2. First aid.

3. Accident reporting to comply both with HSE and LSC procedures.

4. Emergency evacuation procedures.

5. Fire procedures.

6. Ensuring accidents are investigated.

7. Ensuring health and safety matters raised by employees are dealt with.

 8. Maintaining a central Health and Safety information database.

9. Ensuring compliance with COSHH assessment regulations and maintaining registers. 10. Co-ordinating all aspects of Health and Safety Policy and practice.

11. Ensuring health and safety issues are dealt with

12. Ensuring that the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy is monitored.

13. Ensuring competent persons or specialists are consulted as necessary, to advise on Health and Safety matters.

14. Maintaining a list of approved work placements providers.

16. Ensuring that all engaged employers have been through appropriate H&S checks and risk assessments completed and properly recorded and followed up as appropriate.

17. Ensuring that all engaged employers are compliant with H&S law and are aware of their responsibilities as a work experience (Traineeships, Study Programmes, Programmes for the Unemployed and the forthcoming T-Levels) placement provider and/or Apprenticeship employer.

18. Ensuring that the training and updating of staff is implemented.

19. Be available to give technical advice on health and safety matters.

20. Maintaining a record of all risk assessments and ensuring appropriate actions are taken.

They will also be responsible to the Senior managers for the following specific duties:

1. Ensuring compliance with all property related Health and Safety regulations and procedures.

2. The emergency evacuation of KBT’S owned or leased premises.

3. Ensuring third parties on site comply with the Health and Safety Policy.

4. Compiling and regularly updating a “Buildings Register” identifying known hazardous

substances and materials.

5. Ensuring that any premises related defects and hazards are swiftly dealt with, or if this is not possible for ensuring they are raised with the Senior managers.

All other staff

1. All other staff are responsible for implementing the Health and Safety Policy within their areas of activity.

2. In particular they are responsible for:

• Ensuring that activities under their control are carried out, as far as is reasonably

practicable, safely and without risk to health.

• Monitoring the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy in their area of


• Carrying out inspections of the workplace and equipment.

• Ensuring that all engaged employers’ workplaces are risk assessed and appropriate

for learning activity and records kept.

• Ensuring that individual employees are aware of their responsibility for health and


• Making suitable arrangements for consultation with employees’ safety


• Ensuring that employees and learners under their control are adequately trained,

informed, instructed and supervised.

• Ensuring that Codes of Practice appropriate to their areas of activity are brought to

the attention of all employees in the group.

• Ensuring that Codes of Practices are complied with and appropriate safety signs or

notices are displayed.

• Ensuring that relevant health and safety information is communicated to employees

and learners.

• Ensuring that first aid procedures are complied with.

• Ensuring that all accidents occurring in their areas of activity are reported, that an

accident report form is completed and a copy forwarded to the Environmental

Services Office.

• Ensuring that reasonable arrangements for allowing safety representatives to carry

out their functions are complied with.

• Identifying training needs of employees within their areas of activity.

  Ensuring that employees and learners are aware of fire procedures and emergency

evacuation procedures.

• Ensuring that new employees receive all appropriate health and safety

information/training including safety procedures.

• Carrying out regular risk assessments in their areas of activity to comply with EU

directives, reporting if appropriate to the Organisation’s Environmental Services

Officer any practice, premises, equipment etc which gives rise to risk to health and


• Ensure that all hazards identified by the risk assessments within their area of

responsibility are adequately controlled, so far as is reasonably practicable.

• Ensuring that specialist equipment, within their area of control, is maintained in

accordance with legislative requirements and/or manufacturers’ instructions as

appropriate and records kept.

• Ensuring that Personal Protective equipment, within their area of responsibility, is

readily available for both staff and learners and is maintained, stored and used


 All Employees and Learners

All employees and learners are reminded of the need to report any accidents that occur at KBT . Failure to do so may lead to difficulties when employees claim industrial injury benefit, or when learners claim the equivalent benefit under the analogous industrial injuries scheme.

Any employee having or identifying a problem about health and safety must raise the matter with his or her Line Manager or Supervisor. Employees who, during the course of their duties, are required to visit premises other than their normal place of work, they must comply with those health and safety instructions in force at those individual establishments.

Learners should report Health and safety concerns to their Tutor/Assessor.

The attention of all employees is drawn to the following:

Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - This requires employees to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions. To co-operate with the Organisation in meeting its responsibilities towards health and safety at work.

Section 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - This states that no person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.

Any breach of the foregoing sections of the Act will be treated as a breach of the conditions of service, misconduct or gross misconduct, depending on the circumstances, and disciplinary action may be taken.

All employees have responsibilities under the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 to report any possible hazards or defects to their Line Manager or Supervisor.

All employees and learners will be given access to the KBT’s Health and Safety Policy and are asked to make themselves familiar with all documents relating to health and safety in the organisation.

Regulations. (See appendix B. Health & Safety Committee terms of reference)

 Signed on behalf of Kent Beauty Training by:

Name   Tracy Evans      Signed…………T EVANS……

Status: Director

Date …01.08.2020………………………………………..

Further Arrangements

A General Policy Statement will be posted within the reception/entrance to each Organisation location. The notice will be signed and dated by the lead director on an annual basis.

KBT will establish such further arrangements and procedures as from time to time are

necessary to enable compliance with this Policy.

Organisation is in operation. A First-Aid Room, First-Aid Kits and suitable supplies are available at all appropriate times.

Fire Alarm and Detection systems and appropriate Fire-Fighting equipment are maintained in serviceable condition, tested at appropriate intervals and certificated in accordance with legislative requirements.

Fire Evacuation procedures are maintained, monitored and evaluated at appropriate intervals for effectiveness via practice drills. Fire Risk Assessments in compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2006 are completed and reviewed for all Organisation premises.

Accident Investigation - KBT in accordance with HSE guidelines will investigate all accidents involving staff and learners. Where applicable, recommendations will be forwarded to the appropriate member to ensure that risk assessments are reviewed and control measures improved as required.

Signage - All signage within the Organisation is monitored to ensure that there is compliance with current legislative requirements.


1. General Policy Statement

1.1. KBT recognises that occupational safety and health is an integral part of its core

business strategy. It believes in cost effective improvements to enhance the environment for staff, students, tutors and visitors. The organisation commits to ensuring that its statutory obligations are discharged and that a process of continual review and improvement will be fostered within the organisation.

1.2. This policy applies to all operating faculties and departments within KBT. A copy, which is training centre specific will be held at each unit and is to be used as a working document by Organisation personnel to manage health and safety at each unit in a manner commensurate with the responsibilities outlined below.

1.3. All staff are reminded that adherence to the requirements of this policy is a legal requirement, and that any failure to do so may invalidate the organisation’s insurance cover or may render them individually liable to prosecution.

2. KBT will develop and set objectives for safety performance and will strive to achieve

these through the application of principles of risk assessment and risk management. The safety

objectives will be publicised within the business and communicated to staff via the usual communication channels. The responsibilities of all managers and staff will be detailed within the policy as will standard operating procedures.

3. KBT will provide adequate resources to ensure that the objectives of the policy and its safety arrangements are met. All levels of staff and managers will receive appropriate training to ensure that they act competently.

3.1. Safety equipment and PPE will be provided where the risk assessment identifies the need and the organisation expects the equipment to be used.

4. KBT recognises that the achievement of safety is a partnership between the organisation, representative bodies and the employees. The organisation states its objectives and aspirations within this policy and it expects the employees to match this with a commitment to work and conduct their activities in a safe manner. It is vital that the employees report safety defects and concerns to the Senior Management, to enable KBT to meet its stated objectives.

5. KBT will review and audit the effective management of and adherence to the policy and the safety arrangements.

Policies and Procedures: Welcome
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